P-12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework:
At Eimeo assessment is an integral part of our systematic curriculum delivery and is recorded in the three levels of planning. Teachers at ERSS use summative and formative assessment to improve learning outcomes for all student. Assessment is used to promote learning through timely feedback that informs future teaching and learning and builds students' confidence in their ability to learn.
Teachers use different types of assessment during each semester to inform their teaching and learning cycle.
Summative assessment
Summative assessments are designed and administer, including tailored supports as appropriate, to gather evidence and to report on student learning and academic achievement against the relevant achievement standard using the appropriate reporting scale. It provides the evidence for teachers to make reliable judgments about student achievement for reporting to parents and students.
Summative assessment tasks include a task sheet that specifies the assessment conventions and a marking guide that uses the relevant achievement standard and assessable elements.
Formative assessment
Teachers at ERSS continually monitor student learning through formative assessment and provide feedback that builds each student's capacity to improve. Ongoing feedback and clear expectations enable students to reflect on and monitor their own progress.
Teachers monitor student progress against the achievement standards using a variety of assessment instruments including:
Standardised (designed so that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures and interpretations are consistent and administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. E.g. National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy [NAPLAN].
Diagnostic assessment (measures a student's current knowledge and skills for the purpose of identifying a suitable program of learning).
· Monitoring tools
· Literacy Continuum mapping
· Focused observations, discussions and goal setting.
· Early Start Testing
Teacher Feedback
Teachers provide timely and ongoing feedback that enables each student to monitor their own learning and develop achievable learning goals.
Feedback is:
- Specific to the individual student.
- Focused on the student's evidence of leaning and how to improve it.
- Directly related to the aspects of the Australian Curriculum being taught and assessed.
- Reflective of learning goals.
- Encourages self-regulation and evaluative behaviour. (Bump-it-up Wall)

Academic reporting involves communicating information to parents, carers and students about student achievement and progress for each learning area/subject undertaken, at a point in time. Reporting builds the school-parent partnership to improve student learning. School reporting processes are clear and transparent for parents, so they understand:
- the learning expectations for the student;
- the student's achievement against expected standards;
- how well the student is engaging with the expected learning; and
- how the student may be able to improve.
Written Reports: ERSS use the appropriate Education Queensland template to complete written reports to parent in Term 2 and 4 each year.
For each reporting period, ERSS report separately on each learning area taught. Students are assessed and reported against the achievement standard for the year/band of years taught. The report represents the student's level of achievement at the time of reporting.
Reporting scales are appropriate to the student's year levels. Reporting for student's accessing an ICP uses the five-point scale specified for their age rather than the scale related to the year level of the curriculum they have been taught. (Table 1 & 2 P-12 CARF)
At ERSS student effort and behaviour is also reported on each semester against the appropriate rating scale and is directly linked to major and minor behaviour data.
ERSS provides parents and students additional information on aspects of particular learning areas or subjects using the comments section of the report.
Reports reflect:
- judgments about the quality of student learning, based on evidence collected during the reporting period
- the student's most consistent level of achievement with consideration to more recent evidence
The evidence of each student's achievement is collected using a range of assessments aligned to the curriculum. The assessment folio or individual assessment instruments provide the basis for reporting judgments about the student's overall level of achievement in the learning area/subject.
Parent Teacher Interviews: In addition to providing written reports twice per year, ERSS offers parents opportunities to discuss their child's educational performance at the school with their child's teacher(s). This ensures that students and their parents/carers receive a timely summary of achievement and progress.